Lenten Beginning

It appears Catholicism is in my blood.While I don’t attend Mass and strongly disagree with some teachings, at my core I’m still practicing.

Today marks the beginning of Lent. Since the weekend I’ve been reflecting on what sacrifices I’d like to make.

While I don’t truly believe that sacrifice is going to save my soul, I do think it’s good for my spirit (aka mental and emotional health).

My concussion treatment plan is a good place to start:

  • No sugar (let’s be real this means not seeking out items that have loads of added sugar)
  • No alcohol
  • 10 minutes of meditation a day
  • Not overloading my work schedule or as Pope Francis suggests I’m fasting from pressure. While he recommends substituting pressure with prayer, I’m going to give up pressure and be present.

For me sacrifice was always about giving up something to be closer to God.To better show the face of Christ to those around us. I didn’t understand how it worked but went with the belief that God understands our hearts and intentions.

The things I’m giving up are being done with the intent to make me a more peaceful person. We are so influenced by other people’s energy and I want when people meet me they go away feeling good about themselves.

Do you find yourself being influenced by the religion you were born into?


8 thoughts on “Lenten Beginning

  1. I love the idea of replacing pressure with prayer! My family was not churchgoing in childhood. My husband and I found a terrific church that models “real faith for real life” and it has made a world of difference for us.

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    1. I have such a hard time clearly articulating to myself what my spiritual faith is at it seems I’m constantly comparing it to the Catholic faith I grew up in.

      I’ve found that being able to write my process has helped me identify the truths that I can claim as my own. This in turn has helped the spiritual part blossom.

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  2. Emily Kathryn

    I’m the opposite. I wasn’t raised participating in Lent, but I have embraced it in adulthood as a way to center myself and focus on more important things than instant gratification. I hope you find peace, prayer, and freedom from pressure this Lenten season.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! You too!

      I think the lovely thing about Lent, and religious times like it, is that it makes us pause. I’ve found I embrace it more fully now that I choose it than when I felt commanded. The pressure to have a “good sacrifice” was too much for me. seeking out quiet spaces in my life has consistently led to me being a better person.

      The instant gratification piece is huge!


  3. lauralynne

    I was raised as a Lutheran and still more or less consider myself to be one, although I do not regularly attend services. I do love the ritual of keeping a spiritual year, though, and always try to give up something for Lent. Like you I am giving up sugar (well, sweets) and adding some reflection/meditation time to my day.

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  4. I was raised in a very religious (Baptist) home. At 18, my parents told me I could make my own decisions about faith so I opted out of organized religion. Over the years I’ve borrowed bits and pieces of various faiths to form my own spiritual foundation. Lent is one of those borrowed practices. Like you, I think of Lent as a time to make personal changes for better health and well-being. This year we’re giving up added sugar.

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